Nirvana by Charles Bukowski

not much chance
completely cut loose from
purpose, he was a young man
riding a bus

Categorized as Poems

Frank Lloyd Wright quote

“Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose the former and have seen no reason to change.”

Categorized as Life

John O’Donohue on Awakening and Surrender

John O’Donohue, the Irish poet, theologian, philosopher, insisted on beauty as a human calling. Celtic spirituality weaves the beauty of the created order with the quotidian patterns of human frailty. This beauty and frailty, O’Donohue notes, have surrounded us since long before we developed the language in which to witness them, even before there was… Continue reading John O’Donohue on Awakening and Surrender

A poem made up of the first lines of emails I’ve received while quarantining by Jessica Salfia

In these uncertain timesas we navigate the new normal,are you willing to share your ideas and solutions?As you know, many people are struggling.I know you are up against it:the digital landscape.We share your concerns.As you know, many people are struggling.We hope this note finds you and your family safe.We’ve never seen anything like this before.Here… Continue reading A poem made up of the first lines of emails I’ve received while quarantining by Jessica Salfia

Categorized as Poems

An Evolving Course by Rumi

We began as a mineral.
We emerged into plant life
and into the animal state,
and then to being human

Categorized as Poems