Grief and control

I notice that for the last seven years I’ve been ensuring that the paper money in my wallet is sorted in order of value, and always turned the right way up, and green side up. I know what’s going on here.  It started when I left a role that meant so very much to me,… Continue reading Grief and control

Categorized as Life


I’m in favor of a government that is secular. it’s the most Christian thing.

Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix

For the last 6 years I have been intermittently enjoying and studying a 2 minutes and 26 seconds long track recorded in 1967 by the Jimi Hendrix Experience, and written and dominated (as usual) by Jimi Hendrix’s singing and solo electric guitar playing. It is his Opus Magnum – a mountain-top experience of genius. Such… Continue reading Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix

Hello world!

Every blog has to start with ‘hello world’, right? My first ever computer action was to write a program in the BASIC language on a Commodore PET computer owned by the Biological Sciences Department of then ‘Portsmouth Polytechnic’ in 1979, and like 99% of all first programs it printed ‘Hello World’ to the screen. Profound… Continue reading Hello world!